Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So I think I had another blog spot type thing but I ditched that because I just couldn't log into it. Weirdness...but NOW I have a new ONE! It's called "Be. Go. Do." I want to BE the person God needs me to be, GO to far off distance places and explore new paths, and DO the work God has called me to do. Nice and Simple. It's my theme for the chapter in my life right now. Not everything I write about is going to be about begodo but...I'll try.

Lately, I've been so spontaneous. Like really badly. I just want to go EXPLORE! Who wouldn't? As I grow older I wish more and more that "play" can come back again. Do you remember when you were a young little kid wondering your backyard in your own little world? If it doesn't sound familiar, I'm sorry. I was the craziest, most imaginative, spunky little girl in the world. I loved exploring. I used to live by a creek and that was my escape in the summer. I used to hunt for Crawdad's (Lobster type things, they are really creepy and yucky). I also had a "Frog farm". Yep. I really did. The best times to go hunting for frogs around my little Suburb of a neighborhood was after rainy days. I knew exactly where they all were. I feel so bad for all those frogs I captured. I had a bike with a pouch on the front where I would shove all them into...then I found this huge plastic crate thing and piled in mud, some grass/plants and a 2x4 for them to climb on. I was convinced I was a frog master. Well, the end of the "Frog Farm" days was when one windy night the lid of the crate flew off and all those frogs escaped. I was so saddened after that, and never again did I ever capture a frog. Funny thing is, now I'm deathly afraid of them.

Anyways, another weird thing about myself is that I had an obsession about hamsters when I was younger. I probably have had over 10 hamsters in my life. My first was Smores. I bought him for a penny from my Uncle. He was a very sweet loving hamster. A few hamsters later I got Punkin and he choked. Then I got Peaches and my dog bit his head on Valentine's Day, then I got some other one and it got vacuumed up. I got Ally Peanut in 4th grade, and she ran away. So, we got another hamster, Jeffrey. Well, after we got Jeffrey we found Ally Peanut with the help of my cat Malcolm. She was still alive and lived for another 2 years. When I turned 18, instead of getting a tattoo or picking up smoking like most of peers at school did, I decided to buy a hamster with my freedom of being an adult. I named this one Pancakes. Then I got another and named it Waffles. Pancakes was a mastermind in escaping, I sold her in a garage sale and I forget what happened to Waffles. Haha. Well, the other day I was at a Petstore with my boyfriend and we were playing with these hamsters called "Robo Hamsters". They are literally no longer than 2 inches at the most and are super fast. So this guy was trying to pet one and with my "experience" from having all these hamsters I know that little ones tend to bite more. So I warned him and then I started telling him all these things about different types of hamsters and I had to stop myself and just say "I'm totally a geek right now knowing all this about hamsters..." and then he said "Yeah...you do...are you like a hamster master or something?" That's when I knew it was time to leave.

But as I was saying before, I just want to BE a kid again sometimes. I just want all the worries of the world to melt away and just BE me. A little spunky adventurous 8 year old again. It's easier said then done. Not so much the whole physical side of it all. Because clearly I haven't grown in years. But still, I just want to be a kid again.

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