Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Little India Girl.

It's official. The books arrived yesterday. All five of them.

School has officially begun.

Atleast I get to lay in my bed while I do my work. That's probably the nicest thing about distance education. Overall, I really do enjoy it. Just the fact that I have something to be responisble about kind of scares me. Yet, it's something I think all of us need to learn how to be.
To be a grown-up I need responsibility in my life. It's just something that takes time, right?

But I've seen over the short time I've been alive, nevertheless, an "Adult", that responsibility doesn't just start and end with completing your homework ontime and taking out the trash when you don't feel like it. Responsibility to me is having your priorities in line, not just with yourself but with your family, friends and most importantly God. Responsibility is going above and beyond the expectations are set for you by your leaders.

Responsibility starts young in a person if you think about it. Think about all the young children today in America. You usually won't find an 8 year old taking care of her 4 younger siblings, but let me take you across the world to Mumbai, India. You'll find that the minute you walk off the plane. She is responsible for feeding her younger siblings before herself, because of her parents irresponsibility in putting drugs, alcohol, money and greed in front of their beautiful children. Irresponsibility can cause more evil, disturbance in a relationship, more greed, more malice and deciet more than we all think.

I think as Americans, we dread the word "responsible". Atleast I do sometimes. But if you see the big picture, if you have responsibilities, that means you are blessed! That means you are doing something with your life! Next time you have to wash the car, or take out the trash, that is a perfect time to praise God for what he's blessed you with. Next time you have to mentor a friend or plan a ministry opportunity, you are blessed because you are using the gifts God has freely given to you. He holds you responsible to those gifts.

So as you go throughout your day, remember little India girl. And her weight upon her shoulders to scramble and beg for bread crumbs. That's her responsibility. So when you're feeling annoyed, overwhelmed, and discouraged about your "responsibilities" (Doing homework after you filled your stomach up, or taking out the trash from all the food you didn't eat that week, or getting gas in the car with the money you have)...think "Little India Girl."

You are blessed with your responsibilities.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this Bella!! It really gave a whole new outlook on being Responsible and the blessings we receive from it! WOW i am now going to think..."Little India Girl" :)
